AHCFE Ukraine Statement

AHCFE Ukraine Statement

Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood Federation of Europe (AHCFE) is deeply saddened by the conflict in Ukraine.

Our thoughts are with all people of Ukraine, and we hope for a swift and peaceful end to this terrible situation.

We have been contacted by many AHC European groups concerned about any AHC families in Ukraine.  Through contacts, we have established there are two Ukrainian AHC families and we have been told they are currently safe.

We have offered to connect them with other AHC organisations and families in Europe should they need support.

© Clay Banks | Unsplash

Please leave a message or note of your support for the AHC Ukraine families. Thank you!

AHCFE is a member of Eurordis

AHC Federation of Europe is a member of Eurordis and volunteers as experts in two groups within Eurordis:

Drug Information, Transparency and Access task force (DITA)

The Drug Information, Transparency and Access (DITA) Task Force closely follows the work done by patients and consumers at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and in the European Network of HTA agencies (EUnetHTA) in the areas of product information, transparency of the regulatory process and access to medicines.

There are 18 volunteer members of DITA, from EURORDIS member patient organisations, led and supported by EURORDIS staff members Francois Houÿez, Director of Treatment Information and Access, Health Policy Advisor and Anne-Mary Bodin, Operations Assistant.

DITA volunteers bring invaluable knowledge of their own rare disease and national health system. Many are patients themselves living with a rare disease.

DITA works and gives input into several EU projects that EURORDIS is involved in and that concern the rare disease patient community.

The task force meets twice yearly with regular telephone conferences and email correspondence to maintain the workflow.



RD-Connect Joint Patient Advisory Council (RD-PAC)

RD-Connect is a global infrastructure that links –omics data with clinical data and available biomaterials to better understand rare diseases and ultimately lead to improved diagnostics and treatments. This infrastructure supports rare disease research worldwide, in particular research funded under the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) beginning with the EURenOmics and NeurOmics projects.

The importance and success of patient representation in rare disease research project governance has been demonstrated. A Joint Patient Advisory Council (RD-PAC) has been established by EURORDIS in the RD-Connect project (coordinating activities with the EUrenOmics and NeurOmics patient representatives) to inform all project coordinators and partners of issues important to patients and guaranteeing a patient-centric approach throughout project activities.

This group contributes the patient perspective to pragmatic solutions for the ethical, legal and social issues raised by –omics research as well as by the integration and sharing of research results and patient data. The RD-Connect, EUrenOmics and NeurOmics projects are navigating new research territory that requires capacity building and the RD-PAC also serves as a platform for education.
